
Ready for Tattoos Removal

In order to understand how a tattoo is gotten rid of, it is first important for a person to understand how a tattoo is structured to become permanent. Basically, when a tattoo is applied, there are small holes that are simultaneously made with the actual injections of the tattoos ink. This ink then bonds with the skin molecules to create what is supposed to be a permanent tattoo.

Medical technology has definitely advanced in recent years, because before, people who got a tattoos only had the option of tattooing over it or covering it if they did not like it. Now, there are two main methods of tattoo removal, the first using a chemical solution known as TCA, and the second involving lasers.

TCA is a solution that is clear, and it actually resembles water. The solution itself is gently, with a q tip, applied to the tattooed area by the person wishing to get rid of their tattoo. What this solution does is permeate the upper layers of the skin, and slowly break apart the skin molecules that have bonded to the ink. This process needs to be done once every six weeks or so in order to prevent scarring.

Another option is to choose a form of tattoo removal that involves lasers. This is, perhaps, the more prevalent removal method, generally because it is considered to be the safest method of removal. In such a procedure, which is done in an outpatient setting by a dermatologist, the heat of the laser destroys the molecules that have bonded to the ink. At the same time, the laser light stimulates more blood flow in the area, which in turn helps to build more new, clear skin tissue.

It is important to note that the laser method will also need to be spaced out over a period of several weeks to several months in order to prevent scarring. Perhaps the more commonly asked question by those people who are looking to get rid of their body art is in reference to how long it will actually take. This answer varies in accordance with the kind of tattoo that was gotten, as well as the age of the tattoo.


Cute Girl Tattoos

What used to be a mark of rebellion and strife is now considered a fashion accessory. While most tattoos are still applied to men (and bought by men), girls and women are also getting into the act. There are even cute girl tattoos.

Where men like to have their tattoos on the upper arm, or chest, or shoulder, most girls are aware that what they’re doing has to work with the somewhat more revealing fashions. Thus, a girl needs to think about whether or not a tattoo will look good with a bikini, or a prom dress, or an evening gown. Likewise, girls tend to be a bit more careful about making sure that a tattoo is concealable with professional or casual attire.

So, when looking for a cute girl tattoo, the first thing to think of is "where to put it" – on the back, between the shoulder blades is a common place, as is a circle around the upper arm, or a circle around a wrist or ankle. Another popular place is at the small of the back, right over the crease of the buttocks, because it can be hidden with a modest swim suit – or shown off with a low cut one.

Places to avoid getting a tattoo are on the face, or on the breast, or in between your breasts – the face is a fairly obvious place to avoid a tattoo, just because of the pain and difficulty concealing it. The upper chest is a bit less obviously a "bad place", however, it runs the risk of spoiling the tattoo because that skin shifts and stretches over time, and it makes it awkward to wear anything low cut.

As to what qualifies as a cute girl tattoo, there’s a wide range of options; everything from the now cliché’d "circle of thorns" to roses to butterflies. Pick an image that you’re going to find enjoyable and meaningful for years to come. When you’re getting the work done, be sure to ask to see the health inspector certification. A good tattoo parlor should be as clean as an operating room.

girl tattoos fairy tattoos flower tattoos polynesian tattoos


Geek Tattoos

Just popping in to give you guys some links: did a cool slideshow of geek tattoos. I submitted my d20 tattoo, so feel free to vote for it (or not) in the user submitted section. There are some pretty great tattoos by readers there, you should definitely check it out.

There is also a flickr group for geek tattoos. Again, some rad (and weird and bad) stuff in there.

Again feel free to email me if you have anything you want to share.